Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where are we going...

Well, for now we are going to Kentucky to TEMPORARILY stay with Rob's parents. Rob has an interview this coming week and I may have one as well. The cost of living is what convinced us to go there. I really REALLY wanted to go to Virginia because living by Sarah would have been awesome, but we didn't feel comfortable with the cost of living. That scared me. Thanks for everyone's concerns. We should be ok and I am scared but excited to see what this year brings (or takes from) us! Seriously, I don't think we have anything else to lose. We have our family and that is all that we need. Ok, so I better get back to packing! :)


Sandra said...

Where in Kentucky? I have family there. Wishing u the best and our love and prayers be with u. :)

Christina said...

Well, Kentucky is closer to Washington, DC, right?
I hope the best for you guys!

Holloway Family said...

I hope that everything works out for ya'll. Good luck with those job interviews.

4Garrisons said...

Actually, where we are in KY we are the same distance from DC!! That's better than FARTHER away though! :)

4Garrisons said...

Oh and we are just east of Louisville.